29 Sep'20 | 3:00 pm — 5:00 pm
Joint Marsh-LTIIA Event: Managing Project Risks in Developing Countries; How to Protect your Investment and Personnel

In an uncertain global geo-political and socio-economic climate, infrastructure projects are particularly vulnerable to total or partial loss of investment in many developing and transition economies. Social instability and adverse government actions are among the most common examples of political risks that investors can face when investing in these countries. In addition, construction workers and other on-site project specialists may often experience a greater threat to their personal security. The mitigation of such risks through political risk and special risks insurance is therefore a key consideration for project developers & investors.

Political risk insurance can also be used as a tool to open new markets where investors see real opportunity for growth. A crucial topic in such investments is the country risk and whether the corresponding risk premium is reflected appropriately in the expected return. Political risk insurance can help offset this risk premium potentially rendering an investment viable regarding financing & fiduciary constraints.

To address the above issues, Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association (LTIIA) and Marsh JLT are hosting a Webinar on 29 September 2020 at 3pm (Paris time).  Our panel of experienced specialists will consider some of the important risk factors in the development and financing of infrastructure projects and how political risk and special risks insurance products (both public and private market) can help mitigate these.

To register, click here.

29 Sep'20