
Through a decade of uninterrupted fast growth, private investment in Infrastructure has reached new heights in global fundraising, investment flows and portfolio sizes. But amounts requested in the next 15 years, if we are to bridge the infamous Infrastructure gap and meet the Sustainable development goals as well as the Paris climate-change agreement objectives, are much higher still. Private sector participation in infrastructure financing and delivery can and should continue to go up. Still, to be able to successfully roll out these investments in a way that reconciles collective interest and economic and financial viability for investors, much still remains to be done, whether it’s about accessibility of data, performance benchmarks, sustainability standards,…to address old and new challenges, linked to structural factors at play: Climate change, technological disruption, changing definition of infra, demographics, changing values & behaviours.

We are entering an era of higher uncertainty, with more active management of their assets by infrastructure investors required.

That’s why LTIIA was created: to draw from the collective experience of its members to provide guidance for institutional investors wishing to invest in infrastructure projects, by addressing issues standing in the way.

Our members share the same long-term interest in infrastructure investment, whether they access it as Asset owners, fund & asset managers, advisors & service providers. Since 2014, LTIIA has attracted over 40 members hailing from all regions of the world and constituting a representative cross-section of the Infrastructure investment industry. We’re big enough to form a community of practice and gain recognition for the industry in international fora, yet small enough to enable direct interaction and cross-fertilization of ideas and practices between our members. And we believe as much in the need for some academic research to help set up the appropriate framework for performance benchmarks, as in sharing best practices from hands-on experience…

We depend on our members’ active participation to give us the clout and legitimacy in the public arena. And new members are welcome to further strengthen our capacity and resources.

Member area

There are 3 categories of members (Full, Associate & Honorary) ; fees vary  according  to status (Asset owner or Asset manager/service provider, Private/commercial  sector or Public/Multilateral institution. For Honorary members, any contribution (in cash or kind) is voluntary.

Action circle