5 Oct'20 — 9 Oct'20 · French Ministry of Economy and Finance, Paris, France
4th Paris Infraweek

The 4th Paris Infraweek, a full week of must-attend events dedicated to Infrastructure Finance, will be held from 5 Oct to 9 Oct. The global infrastructure value chain: Investors, policy makers, regulators and academia from around the world are expected to join this ever-expanding executive gathering for a global debate for greater transparency and efficiency in the marketplace.

As in 2019, the Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association will convene its 7th Annual General Meeting in Paris during the Paris Europlace International Infrastructure Forum.

This year’s discussions will focus on Shaping the Post-Crisis Infrastructure World.

You can find more info and register free of charge soon (just mention LTIIA as the inviting party) to the Inaugural International Infrastructure Forum here.

5 Oct'20
9 Oct'20
139 Rue de Bercy
75012 Paris