3 Jun'21 | 12:30 pm — 4:30 pm
G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue: Financing Sustainable Infrastructure for the Recovery

Organized by the Italian G20 Presidency, the OECD and the D20 Long-term Investors Club,  the high-level “G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue: Financing Sustainable Infrastructure for the Recovery” will be held on 3rd June 2021, 12:30-16:30 CEST.

For your information, LTIIA Chair T.Deau  will  be speaking  in the Session II, Mobilizing private finance for sustainable infrastructure from 2 to  3:05 pm.

please kindly register via the Zoom link below before 28 May 2021: https://meetoecd1.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dTe9te7RRfus7rvyuoBw2w.

3 Jun'21