The Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association and Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation, with the support of their respective constituents, are engaged in a series of initiatives to unlock greater participation of private capital in the infrastructure financing, by providing the right tools to project sponsors and investors.
As a first step, two webinars on Infrastructure Projects Preparation were held on February 6, 2018 for the Asia-Pacific Audience and on February 7, 2018 for Africa, Europe and the Americas. Over 70 participants attended the two webinars.
The webinars, moderated by Eugene Zhuchenko, Executive Director, LTIIA, focused on how SOURCE, the advanced project preparation solution, can support the development of infrastructure as an asset class, notably in:
- Developing global standards for project preparation
- Standardising risks
- Promoting quality of infrastructure investment
- Promoting common processes on procurement
- Addressing data gaps on infrastructure performance projects
Watch the recording of the Webinar that was held on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 for the Asia-Pacific audiance:
Watch the recording of the Webinar that was held on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 for the Africa, Americas and Europe: