Following annual meetings in Paris and Washington D.C., the Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association held its Third Annual Meeting in Frankfurt on October 19-20, 2016. The Meeting brought together C-level delegates from leading infrastructure investors in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific as well as senior officers from regulators, governmental and multilateral agencies.
EDHECinfra presented the first outputs from LTIIA-sponsored research Chair on infrastructure benchmarking, attesting through data series lower risk profile of long-term infrastructure investments. The first release of ESG Indicators Library was announced, that LTIIA members built together with eFront, the leading provider of software solutions for alternative asset classes. LTIIA’s Climate Task Force presented its progress with four participating governments on developing carbon reducing investments in the context of Paris Treaty.
Peter Ramsauer, Member of Bundestag and Former German Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority delivered keynote addresses. More than fifty organizations from around the world joined the event.