This High-level Seminar on Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII), organised by the OECD in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, Singapore, and sponsored by the Government of Japan, will take place virtually on Tue 15 , from 13:00 – 16:00 CET and Wed 16 December, from 10:00 – 13:00 CET.
Quality infrastructure has been a key priority at the G20, as well as in other global fora and international organisations. The G20 Principles for QII, agreed under the Japanese G20 presidency in 2019, highlighted the impact of infrastructure on sustainable growth and development, raising economic efficiency, integrating ESG considerations, promoting resilience against natural disasters and other risks, and ensuring strong governance in public & private decision-making.
This virtual event, bringing together public and private sector stakeholders (incl.LTIIA), will provide an opportunity to take stock of QII, highlighting policy tools and guidance for supporting and financing QII. Investors and policy makers will also share perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 in infrastructure, along with the greater need of building resilience in infrastructure as recovery efforts become a priority. The second day of the event focusses on QII in the Asia region.
Please click to register for day1 and for day 2. For further information, please contact Raluca Hanea (