LTIIA joined the meeting with the Steering Board of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), together with several National Promotional Banks and the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI).

The main elements discussed were the EFSI strategic orientation, as well as the implementation of EFSI operations under the Investment and Innovation Window (IIW) through the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the SME Window through the European Investment Fund (EIF).

Among others, the stakeholders gave a positive feedback on the EFSI implementation under the SME Window but pointed out the difficulties of the EFSI operations under the IIW.

The representatives of LTIIA, NPBs and ELTI raised the issue of transparency notably at the level of eligibility criteria for EFSI projects and the pricing of the guarantee.

During the meeting Eugene Zhuchenko, Executive Director LTIIA, particularly emphasized the importance of further deepening the pipeline of new infrastructure projects in Europe, from private investors perspective.

On its side, the Steering Board gave an update on the current status of EFSI policies and emphasized the role of the European Investment Project Portal in building a solid projects’ pipeline.

Please find below the link to the summary of discussions