Guggenheim Investments and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) released on August 1, 2022, the results of a global survey on the collecting, reporting, and application of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data in infrastructure projects. The report, “Testing Industry Attitudes Toward a Common Reporting Approach for ESG Data Use in Infrastructure Investment,” takes the unique approach of surveying both ESG data users and data preparers to explore whether an industrywide standard approach to measuring ESG in infrastructure investment is desired and how this might be achieved.

The survey, part of an ongoing collaboration between Guggenheim – a LTIIA member – and WWF to better understand the parameters of sustainable infrastructure, finds that ESG data users and data preparers see value in convergence on an industry-tailored set of metrics for ESG data, but with almost 40 different frameworks currently in use by respondents, there is significant divergence in application of current ESG standards. Respondents suggest that government regulation regarding ESG disclosures and pressure from investors and lenders may improve the movement towards an agreed-upon set of standards.

To learn more about our work on sustainability standards in infrastructure investment, visit Sustainability Microsite.