by François Bergere

Dear members and readers,

A lot has happened in the infrastructure investors landscape since LTIIA was created in fall  2014. The very notion of long term private Infrastructure investment as a catalyser of sustainable development of communities and countries was still in its infancy then.

Fast forward to  2019: While still not a mainstream asset class, Infrastructure is no longer a  peripheral “niche”, on the margins of Private equity and real estate, and outside the scope of most institutional investors. Dedicated infra funds have multiplied into the hundreds and raised increasing amounts of money,  to the point where “dry powder” is becoming one of the most pressing issues for the industry. Infrastructure is now appearing as a natural match and complementary field for many long term asset owners.  And there is a growing realization that private sector participation is needed if national and global development targets are to be met in time and performance, and that institutional investors play a key role in that respect.

We like to think LTIIA has played a role in this development, through its various initiatives and market analyses.

But an association is only as strong as its members are actively involved and regularly contributing to tis activities.  The challenge is especially for a  global association, encompassing members across 5 continents: how do you maintain the momentum between annual general meetings and periodic industry conferences?

One way is by  encouraging  the sharing  and discussion of common interest  themes: hence the creation of the Blog section, which  we’ll  try  to  keep  as lively  as possible from our side, but  which will  only  meet its target  if you  seize it as a way  to  raise issues, generate comments and feedback  and identify  new themes for action.

So please make this section yours: share your ideas, showcase your track record, make suggestions,  vent your frustrations if any, and let the rest of our community know about it!

the Blog is open to contributions, and subsequent comments by all LTIIA members  (Full members, honorary and Action Circle), but it can be accessed and read by all visitors to our website (who cab also subscribe to receive email notifications when new content is posted). LTIIA reserves the right to moderate some exchanges if need be.