LTIIA partakes in the High-Level Task Force on Social Infrastructure

In Brussels, LTIIA joined the first Plenary Meeting of the High-Level Task Force on Social Infrastructure (“HLTF SI”) launched by the European Association of Long-Term Investors (ELTI).

Chaired by Romano Prodi, HLTF SI aims to promote the financing of social infrastructure – particularly of those facilities linked to the health, education and social housing sectors which contribute to improving the living conditions of European citizens and the competitiveness of territories. This infrastructure sector, even when demand is growing, is facing an insufficient supply of financing.

Eugene Zhuchenko, Executive Director, LTIIA, has joined the team of experts constituting the Task Force.

We welcome this project as a special opportunity to enable greater deployment of public and private capital to social infrastructure projects.

Official recommendations from the Task Force will be published by the end of the year.

See attached press release.