The Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association is pleased to announce the extension of a new research chair to EDHEC. Building on the outcomes of Meridiam Campbell Lutyents chair (2013-2015), the new chair will continue supporting EDHEC’s pioneering research and data collection efforts, leading to the first release of long term infrastructure performance benchmark in 2016. Further outputs of the chair will include research into portfolio construction and allocation considerations for infrastructure, research on performance of infrastructure in a liability management context as well as contribution to the debate on environmental, social and governance (ESG) outcomes of infrastructure projects.

This chair supports the establishment of EDHEC Infrastructure Institute, a dedicated research unit within EDHEC with significantly expanded resources. At the launch event of EDHECinfra Thierry Déau, LTIIA Chairman and CEO of Meridiam Infrastructure, commented

Following several years of fruitful cooperation with EDHEC, we welcome the establishment of EDHECinfra and look forward to continuing our work with the team there. The creation of a long term infrastructure benchmark will mark an important milestone for our members that include some of the most active infrastructure investors globally.

Please see more details in the press release attached.