EDHEC Infrastructure Institute-Singapore (EDHECinfra) is releasing 384 infrastructure debt and equity indices that will change the way investors measure infrastructure investment performance and allow multi-trillion dollar increases in allocation to infrastructure globally.
The academic research behind these indices has benefited from the support of NATIXIS and the Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association since 2012. Read here about research findings from the indices.
The new EDHECinfra indices cover 50% of the broad market capitalisation of 14 European markets, and provide investors with metrics that have been unavailable to them until now, going back to 2000. Global market coverage is planned to be achieved by 2020.
LTIIA members have contributed a critical set of financial performance data to enable this first public release of the indices. The research and development project has also benefited from co-sponsorship by our member Campbell Lutyens and our partners at Long Term Investors Club.
Chairman of LTIIA, Mr Thierry Déau said that the EDHECinfra indices will introduce a new level of transparency to assess the performance of infrastructure investments.
“We are delighted to see such progress. This ground-breaking work will help LTIIA take to the next level its engagement with public and private stakeholders globally, with the objectives of increasing the understanding of actual risks and rewards of the asset class and fostering long term investment in infrastructure,” Mr Déau said.
The new EDHECinfra debt and equity indices can be consulted via the following links:
Each web page also gives access to downloadable index factsheets, research papers, and index price, return and constituent data.
Below please find the full press-release.