Consolidation at the top among infrastructure funds illustrate current trends in industry

The latest development of BlackRock acquiring Global Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), potentially creating an infrastructure fund manager with more than US$150bn in assets under management illustrates 2 interesting trends in an increasingly mature industry: the increasing attractivity of Infrastructure for large asset managers, as highlighted by Laurence D Fink, BlackRock Chairman and CEO: “Infrastructure is one of the most exciting long-term investment opportunities, as a number of structural shifts re-shape…

New Blended finance fund launched

A new $1.1bn SDG Loan Fund has been created in response to the increasing demand from institutional investors for large scale blended finance solutions in order to catalyse their capital where it is needed the most to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Emerging and Frontier markets. The fund, using an innovative “blended finance” model, is managed by Allianz Global Investors, and is a partnership with FMO…

LTIIA report on Energy Transition released for Paris Infraweek 2023

Our new “Report on Energy Transition & implications on Infrastructure  investors”, argues that Infrastructure investors are ready to turbocharge the Energy Transition.  Described as the “biggest investment theme of our generation” , investments in the global energy transition are already becoming a defining feature of the market. In 2022, such investments topped the USD 1tn mark, overtaking investments in fossil fuels for the first time. But average annual investments…

OECD 2022 report on Pension Funds & Infrastructure Investment

Long-term investing of large pension funds and public pension reserve funds 2022 19/12/2021 – The scope of this report covers 88 public and private pension funds from 39 countries. This survey is based on a qualitative questionnaire sent directly to large pension funds and public pension reserve funds. It covers the infrastructure investment made by large pension funds and public pension reserve funds, but also their approach to environmental, social,…

Sustaining our Social license to Invest and Operate

As long-term investors in infrastructure , we reckon that our investments can have a huge impact on the lives and environment of our fellow citizens; accordingly we need to take  into  account and manage these potential impacts of our assets on different stakeholders (users, local communities, public authorities, industrial partners, etc.). Ensuring stakeholder acceptance is key  to align interests, and create sustainable & shared value for all. The Top-down approach…

How to make the most of MDBs resources?

It is common knowledge that the success of sustainable development rests on Emerging & Developing economies’ capacity to invest in strategic sectors, first among them Infrastructure. It is also well-known that the required private participation will not happen at scale without the full support and preparatory work of Multilateral Development Banks, a dimension encapsulated in the concept of “Blended Finance”. But MDBs have constraints too, linked with their limited capital…

New Guggenheim/WWF survey confirms expectations for global ESG industry-wide standard

Guggenheim Investments and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) released on August 1, 2022, the results of a global survey on the collecting, reporting, and application of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data in infrastructure projects. The report, “Testing Industry Attitudes Toward a Common Reporting Approach for ESG Data Use in Infrastructure Investment,” takes the unique approach of surveying both ESG data users and data preparers to explore whether an industrywide standard…


CDP is the Italian National Promotional Institution and the Financial Institution for Development Cooperation entrusted by the Italian State to foster the sustainable development of the Country, with a growing international perspective. CDP is a long-term investor focusing on the impact of its promotional and development activities. It supports economic growth and employment, social inclusiveness and ecological transition by investing in innovation, business competitiveness, infrastructure and local development. CDP has…

UNCDF and Meridiam Join Forces in support of resilient urban infrastructure projects (IMIF Initiative)

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and LTIIA founder Meridiam signed an agreement framing their collaboration in relation to the International Municipal Investment Fund. This unique investment vehicle with a particular focus on developing countries, is part of The Urban Resilience Fund launched by Meridiam together with The Rockefeller Foundation. It will help develop, finance, build and operate sustainable and economically sound urban infrastructure projects intending to play a…

LBP AM launches First infrastructure debt impact fund in Europe

LTIIA member La Banque Postale Asset Management (LBP AM) has raised an initial €270m for its infrastructure debt impact fund. The French asset manager said its LBPAM Infrastructure Debt Climate Impact Fund has a €500m fundraising target and a €700m hard cap. LBP AM said its infrastructure debt team targets a maximum of 3 years to deploy the strategy and build a portfolio of 15 to 20 projects. According to…

LTIIA and WAPPP enter into Partnership agreement

WAPPP (World Association of PPP Units & Professionals- https://wappp.org ) and LTIIA have entered into a strategic partnership to raise awareness among infra investors & government institutions of investment opportunities, particularly in emerging markets, and of corresponding requirements of infrastructure investors. Our joint collaboration with the global WAPPP network will allow us to jointly promote and structure NextLevel public-private partnerships a key tool to promote new opportunities in sustainable infrastructure for institutional investors. The MoU is intended as a…

OECD 2021 Survey of Large Pension Funds and Public Pension Reserve Funds – report on long-term investments

Though Institutional investors have progressively diversified portfolios away from bonds and equities by adding allocations to alternative investments such as private equity, real estate, infrastructure and hedge funds, official data on pension fund investment in alternatives – and in particular infrastructure – remains scarce. One valuable source of information  is the “Annual Survey of Large Pension Funds and Public Pension Reserve Funds – report on long-term investments”  conducted by  OECD,…

LTIIA supports Institutional investors’ announcement of Net Zero Model Investment Law to foster sustainable investment in Emerging markets

There is today a general consensus among Governments and global development finance institutions alike recognizing there is no way to achieve the SDG’s and Paris Agreement infrastructure and address the energy multi trillion-dollar financing gap, without a huge increase in the scale and speed of global institutional investor allocations to infrastructure . Championed as a global public good by the CFA Asset Owners Council (AoC) in New York, and its…

The FAST-Infra initiative launched this week the Sustainable Infrastructure (SI) Label – a globally applicable labelling system designed to identify and evaluate sustainable infrastructure assets.

While institutional investors are keen to invest in sustainable infrastructure that can offer stable, long-term returns, there remains a gap in the market to easily  & consistently verify which assets are genuinely sustainable at the asset-level. The label will facilitate due diligence processes & structuring of investments for sustainable infrastructure assets, thereby reducing transaction costs. Information on all labelled assets will be readily available to market participants via a data…

LTIIA sponsors Public-Private investors Dialogue for Sustainable Development, as part of Finance in Common summit in Rome

The 2nd Finance in Common (FiC) summit, on Wed 20th October, saw a dialogue between Public & Private investors jointly organized by Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association (LTIIA) & International Development Finance Club (IDFC) on how to promote a common language in SDG/ESG  as a first step towards a cooperative framework and structured roadmap for SDG aligned investments.Among the Participants on the Private investors side: Thierry Déau (Meridiam) and Nadia Nikolova (Allianz GI), representing LTIIA members in…

Meridiam updates its brand to better reflect its sustainable development approach

Press release: As transformational infrastructure specialists, social, economic and environmental sustainability is our DNA and has been our business philosophy since inception. Today, driven by our mission, we go even further. We are going from strength to strength, growing and delivering more and more innovative and complex infrastructure projects. Projects that are making a genuine and positive difference to the communities and environments we work in. We are now dedicated to the UN Sustainable Development…

Social infrastructure: how to scale up private investment?

This article, published on Linkedin, is a summary  of the main takeaways from the October 2021-LTIIA report available on: While human capital is now widely  acknowledged to  be a key driver of a resilient economic development, it is in turn is largely underpinned by social infrastructure:  the facilities, buildings and intangible assets that serve to generate key collective services in healthcare, education or affordable housing. So, it should be a…

Vincent Levita remplace Thierry Déau à la tête de la LTIIA

  Thierry Déau, PDG et fondateur de Meridiam, président du réseau Finance for Tomorrow, a quitté son poste de président de l’ Association des Investisseurs de Long-Terme en Infrastructure (LTIIA), une association professionnelle  dont il  est  a l’origine. Après 2 mandats successifs, il en a été nommé président d’honneur. Fondée en 2014, la LTIIA rassemble des investisseurs institutionnels qui gèrent collectivement près de 350 milliards de dollars d’actifs dans le…

Vincent Levita replaces Thierry Déau as head of LTIIA

Thierry Déau, CEO and founder of Meridiam, President of Finance for Tomorrow network, has stepped down from his position of Chair of the Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association (LTIIA) – an industry association he originally created – after 2 successive mandates, and has been appointed Honorary Chairman. Founded in 2014, LTIIA brings together institutional investors that collectively manage close to US$350bn of assets in Infrastructure. Its members, spread across the main…

The Volatility of Unlisted Infrastructure Equity Investments

Our latest webinar jointly  organized with EDHEC Infra earlier this month presented a new research paper sponsored by LTIIA on the drivers of volatility in unlisted infrastructure investments.The volatility of infrastructure equity investments is the risk which investors take to receive a reward for holding such assets. Therefore, a robust measure of risk and its drivers is an essential part of the inclusion of infrastructure investments in the portfolio, from…

Launch of consultation process for FAST-Infra Sustainable Infra Labelling

LTIIA is  taking part in the preliminary consultation process  -a series of virtual roundtables segmented by 6-8 key stakeholder groups – to solicit feedback on the SI Label Framework ahead of a formal public consultation period slated for May 2021. Finance to Accelerate the Sustainable Transition – Infrastructure (FAST-Infra) aims to close the trillion dollar sustainable infrastructure investment gap by transforming sustainable infrastructure into a mainstream, liquid asset class. FAST-Infra…

LTIIA first private sector investors’ association to join the Finance in Common (FIC) Initiative

  Paris, 26 March 2021 – FiC Communique The first large network of private infrastructure  investors, LTIIA enters the Finance in Common System (FiCS) by signing its joint declaration. On the occasion of the first edition of the Finance in Common Summit, that was held last November, 450 Public Development Banks (PDBs) formed a worldwide community and reached out to the financial community at large to reorient all financial flows towards the climate and…

LTIIA welcomes NSW Treasury Corp as new Member

NSW TCorp is a public sector fund based in the Australian state of New South Wales; it is the financial markets partner of the NSW public sector, tasked with protecting the financial interests of the state through best-in-class investment management, financial management, solutions and advice that delivers sustainable returns and financial efficiencies for its clients. It is both an asset owner and asset manager on behalf of NSW public sector….

EDHEC Infra Q4 Index release- Was 2020 the worst year for infrastructure?

2020 was a reminder that economic shocks can impact the bottom line of many infrastructure companies, and lead to solvency issues in some sectors. It was also a test of the resilience of the asset class. Above all, it was a reminder that asset valuations eventually have to reflect market prices, that is, the value implied by the risks taken by investors. The latest estimates by EDHECinfra of the fair…

Private participation in Infrastructure in EMDEs drops to new lows in H1-2020

The World Bank Group just issued its 2020-H1 HALF YEAR REPORT on Private investments (Commitments) to infrastructure in Emerging and developing economies. This report shows the biggest drop we’ve seen since tracking the data. Of course COVID 19 makes for an easy culprit for this sobering assessment ! But we shouldn’t seek comfort in COVID being the unpredictable and temporary reason for this state of affairs. Beyond the fact that…

Joint LTIIA-GRESB-AOAC webinar on new SDG Framework for Infra asset owners

Following up on previous News (see post from Oct 28th),on Nov 27th,2020, LTIIA held a joint webinar aimed at introducing a new SDG framework. This is designed to enable Infrastructure investors to better communicate their evidence-based stories & better convey their contribution, to SDGs and the broader cause of Sustainable Development. This new Framework, to which LTIIA actively contributed, is an industry-led , AO-sponsored , infra-specific & global initiative, intended…

ProBTP joins LTIIA

LTIIA registered a new Asset owner member  on October with ProBTP: ProBTP is a French insurance company set up  by  the Construction and Public works sector companies, and serving over 1.57m pensioneers. Its portfolio is invested at about 10% in Real Assets,  and  pushing towards a more massive deployment in the long-term infrastructure market. ProBTP invests through asset management companies or intervenes directly to finance infrastructure projects, in France,  Europe…

A new industry-led framework for asset owners & managers to measure impact of infrastructure assets on SDGs delivery

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in 2015 by the UNGA to show the way towards a world  free of extreme poverty and providing  a decent level of key  essential  services to its people . Infrastructure investment is key to reaching these goals. The SDGs encompass the global challenges that society is expecting businesses to contribute to, with the SDGs becoming the default framework that businesses reference when trying to…

Le coût du capital pour les concessions autoroutières françaises / The cost of capital motorway in France – A modern approach to toll regulation

Le rapport de Commission d’enquête du Sénat sur les concessions autoroutières, s’appuyant  sur des chiffres publiés par l’Autorité de Régulation des Transport (ART) fait état d’un rendement global (à la fois historique et attendu) du capital des concessions autoroutières en France entre 6.4% et 7.8%. Si l’on ajuste ces chiffres pour prendre en compte le levier de la dette sur les bilans des concessionnaires, on obtient un rendement moyen des…

GIH Releases New InfraCompass 2020

The Global Infrastructure Hub just launched InfraCompass 2020, a significant update to the InfraCompass online tool and report. Using data from leading international organisations – including the World Bank, World Economic Forum and OECD – InfraCompass 2020 gives a picture of infrastructure performance across 81 countries. Primarily aimed at public contracting authorities, InfraCompass can be used to identify reforms that reduce barriers to investment in infrastructure; benchmark their country’s performance…

OECD/G20 Report on Collaboration with Institutional Investors and Asset Managers on Infrastructure

One of the main initiatives of the G20 IWG in 2020 has been the creation of a sustained policy dialogue between asset owners and managers and governments in order to identify the key challenges facing the private-sector, including regulatory aspects as well as broader impediments to investment in infrastructure, and to develop actionable recommendations for governments . The dialogue with investors, supported by the OECD & G20, has been shaped…

LTIIA, latest member of Finance for Tomorrow (FFT)

LTIIA has just been admitted into Finance for Tomorrow (FFT) as an observer. The FFT initiative brings together all private, public and institutional players from various national and regional backgrounds, present in the Paris financial centre and willing to commit themselves to a sustainable and inclusive finance. It combines long-term investment view with environmental and social consideration challenges to help propel Paris as a first-class Financial centre on Green and…

Collaboration with Institutional investors key to scale up Infra investment (G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors Meeting in Riyadh communiqué)

Infrastructure, as a driver of economic growth and prosperity, occupied a central place in the issues discussed in Riyad on Feb 22-23 by the G20 Finance ministers with in particular: an increased focus on Tech as a key driver for better infrastructure- by improving investment decisions, enhancing Value for Money, and improving efficiency in the infra lifecycle (Building and O&M) reaffirmed support to the Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII) agenda, pushed…

EDHECinfra: Infrastructure saw a strong performance in 2019, despite tough final quarter

Infrastructure assets gave back some of the year’s gains in the final quarter of 2019 as rising bond yields curbed DCF valuations, but still registered strong gains over the whole year. That’s the message delivered by EDHECinfra’s latest quarterly report on the performance of unlisted global infrastructure, its unique and far-ranging index of global unlisted infrastructure equity assets. The EDHECinfra Global Equity Index fell 2.58% to 5228 points by year…

LTIIA welcomes a new Japanese member

GPSS Holdings (Grid parity for Sustainable Society), is our third Japanese member after DBJ and GPIF.  In its roles of originator, developer, designer, investor, operator and partner, GPSS works with local communities to produce sustainable energy with a long-run goal of achieving parity between traditional energy production and renewable energy production.  It covers five energy fields (solar, geothermal, wind power, small hydroelectric and bio-gas) with the community partnership in the…

PwC joins the LTIIA Family!

LTIIA is happy to announce the latest addition to our membership: PwC|Luxembourg. With close to 2,900 people employed from 76 different countries, PwC Luxembourg is the largest professional services firm in Luxembourg, a country well-known for hosting numerous infrastructure investment funds. Globally, PwC is a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 250,000 people committed to delivering quality in advisory and consulting services. Their Infrastructure practice in Luxembourg consists of over…

LTIIA’s support to establishing market performance indices: next stage

From the very beginning, LTIIA has been supporting the research work of EDHEC Infra in the field of Infrastructure performance indices. We are, therefore, happy to announce that EDHEC has just published a new set of global risk-adjusted indices. This new standardized database, presented at EDHECinfra Days in London last June 2019, to be updated quarterly, tracks 700 firms covering 25 countries and goes back 20 years. To access the…

LTIIA welcomes MIGA

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) – a member of the World Bank Group – has a mandate to promote cross-border investment in developing countries by providing guarantees (political risk insurance and credit enhancement) to investors and lenders. As a multilateral institution, MIGA guarantees to protect investments against non-commercial risks and can help investors obtain access to funding sources with improved financial terms and conditions while providing an umbrella of…

Third global investor survey by GIH & EDHEC shows increased importance of ESG

The 2019 survey included more than 315 infrastructure leaders, representing approximately USD10 trillion of global assets under management. This latest report shows a strong increase in ESG awareness – with over 1/3 of institutional investors considering ESG to be a “first order question, possibly at the expense of performance”. The vast majority of investors polled believe their performance benchmarks are inadequate, highlighting  the need for better-defined benchmarks that measure risk…


Created in November of 2017 by two major institutions – the French Caisse des Dépôts (CDC) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) – and endowed with 600 million euros, STOA invests equity stakes in infrastructure and energy projects essential to the economic development of Africa, Latin-America and South-East Asia and to the well-being of their population. STOA combines the strengths of its two shareholders, i.e. the investment expertise of…

D20 meeting in Tokyo stresses IDI is key to Quality Infrastructure Agenda

As a member of Long Term Investors Club, LTIIA took part in the LTIC steering committee and D20 meeting of Financial Institutions with a Development or Public Mandate in Tokyo on April 26th, 2019. The debate covered a range of challenges facing the world economy and the development finance community today, including the promotion of “Quality Infrastructure Investment”. Specific emphasis was put on support for the Infrastructure Data Initiative, deemed…

State of the Practice: Sustainability Standards for Infrastructure Investors

Guggenheim Investments, a member of LTIIA, just published a report, together with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) & the Stanford University Global Projects Center to analyze the various metrics – standards and rating systems – used to assess the sustainability of infrastructure investments. While sustainability assessment has been factored in infrastructure investing for some time, this was mostly limited to regulatory compliance and permitting. Lately, multi-stakeholder standards and project rating programs…

New EDHECinfra study shows that ‘peak infra’ may be behind us

Unlisted infrastructure prices have increased considerably over the past decade. Was it a bubble or a normal phenomenon? In a new ground-breaking paper, EDHECinfra shows that systematic risk factors can largely explain the evolution of average prices but also that valuations have shifted to a higher level. Author and Director of EDHECinfra Frederic Blanc-Brude said: “The worries about a bubble were driven by the constant increase in prices since 2008….

European PPP Expertise Centre 10th anniversary

EPEC, the European PPP Expertise Centre was created in 2008 to support Member States of the EU, EU Candidates States and others in their work on PPPs. EPEC shares and promotes good PPP practice, assists PPP policy development and supports the preparation of pathfinder PPPs. EPEC is celebrating its 10th Anniversary on December 12, at the EIB headquarters with a session of stimulating discussion on trends in the future shape…

G20 Leaders’ summit Buenos Aires communique mentions update on Infrastructure Data Initiative (IDI)

As the 2018 G20 presidency under Argentinian leadership comes to an end, the high-level G20 Leaders’ declaration highlights and reconfirms the importance of “Infrastructure as a key driver of economic prosperity, sustainable development and inclusive growth”. The Leaders “endorse the Roadmap to Infrastructure as an Asset Class and the G20 Principles for the Infrastructure Project Preparation Phase“. Within the more specific and detailed document titled “G20 Buenos Aires Update –…

EDHECinfra launches GICCS® classification criteria to structure infra asset class

The EDHEC Infrastructure Institute, as part of its work to build performance benchmarks for investors in private infrastructure debt and equity, has released the Global Infrastructure Company Classification Standard (GICCS®). Private infrastructure investment is developing rapidly as a global asset class. This evolution requires a clear and robust classification of the individual infrastructure companies that equity investors can acquire or debt investors can lend to. Taking existing definitions and perspectives…

B20 Communiqué – Policy Recommendations to the G20

LTIIA welcomes the B20’s Policy Recommendations to the G20, as part of its engagement within the B20 Task force on Financing Growth and Infrastructure. The B20 Communiqué was handed over to Argentine President and G20 President at the B20 Summit on October 5th. LTIIA is proud to have taken an active role in discussing the recommendation “Boosting Investment in Infrastructure” in contribution to SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure and SDG 11:…

Report of the G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance

The G20 EPG on Global Financial Governance was formally established by the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in April 2017. Its mandate was to recommend reforms to the global financial architecture and governance of the system of international financial institutions so as to promote economic stability and sustainable growth globally; and to discuss how the G20 could better provide continued leadership and support these goals. The EPG Report…

Marketplace spotlight: GTIS Partners

GTIS Partners is a leading real assets investment firm in the Americas. An LTIIA member since September 2018, GTIS is now evolving  from its Real estate basis into  Infrastructure to pursue the investment opportunities in Brazil  in: Energy Generation and Transmission with a focus on renewable energy, and Technology Infrastructure Assets Both segments benefit from long-term structural demand drivers and large investment gaps. Short term growth in demand for energy …

Presentation of IMF Board Paper “Infrastructure Governance: From Aspiration to Action”

In Paris, LTIIA organized on Oct 2nd a presentation for several of its members with Gerd Schwarz, Deputy Director, Fiscal Affairs Department at the International Monetary Fund. Mr Schwarz presented “Infrastructure Governance: From Aspiration to Action“, a recent IMF Board Paper from June 2018. Strong infrastructure governance is critical for public investment to spur economic growth. The IMF has developed Public Investment Management Assessments (PIMAs), a key tool for assessing infrastructure…

B20 Financing Growth and Infrastructure Policy Paper

Following LTIIA’s contribution to the B20 Task Force on Financing Growth and Infrastructure, we are pleased to share with you the final Policy Paper of the Financing Growth and Infrastructure task force. This paper, designed as a set of recommendations from the business community to the G20 leaders, acknowledges LTIIA inputs in relation to benchmarking (Topic 1: develop  infrastructure as an asset class) and references LTIIA work in the Infrastructure…

The Long-term Infrastructure Investors Association appoints François Bergère new Executive Director

The Board of the Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association has appointed Mr. François Bergère the new Executive Director. Mr. Bergère joins LTIIA from the World Bank where he has been the Program Manager for the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) since 2014. His prior experience includes senior roles with the French Ministry of Finance, where he was in charge of the PPP Task Force; Galaxy Fund; Asian Mezzanine Infrastructure Fund;…

S&P Global Infrastructure Performance Study

S&P Global, LTIIA member, published a research on 25 Years of Rated Infrastructure Corporates and Project Finance. The rated global infrastructure sector has grown substantially over the years, while maintaining a lower risk profile than the overall nonfinancial corporate sector. By most measures, infrastructure credits rated by S&P Global Ratings have shown lower default rates, lower ratings volatility, and higher recovery prospects relative to nonfinancial corporates. Some of this is attributable…

IJInvestor Funds and Investors Report 2018

IJ Global, member of LTIIA Action Circle, has recently launched IJInvestor, a funds and investors product offering exclusive news coverage of those players in the infrastructure and energy sectors globally, as well as a database including more than 1,400 funds. IJ Global published its first funds and investors report which focused on infrastructure fund and M&A activity in Q1 2018. the report not only focused on funds that reached final…

PRI Primer on Responsible Investment in Infrastructure

Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI), a member of LTIIA Action Circle, published a paper which clarifies key concepts of responsible investment in private infrastructure equity and debt, and how the six Principles for Responsible Investment apply to infrastructure. It focuses on Principles One and Two. Responsible investment is about systematically identifying, assessing, pricing, managing and monitoring material ESG risks. It means preserving and enhancing the value of an asset in…

UNHCR’s infrastructure activity for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

The influx of Rohinda refugees to Bangladesh is one of the largest and fastest-growing refugee crises in decades. Approximately 671, 000 Rohinda refugees have fled targeted violance and serious human rights violations in Myanmar since August 2017. Infrastructure, health and water services are under massive pressure; as is the local environment and its natural resources. But despite the support of donors, humanitarian needs continue to outpace funding.      …

LTIIA partners with GRESB for research on ESG and financial performance

We are pleased to announce the launch of an empirical study of the relationship between Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and financial characteristics in private infrastructure investments. Promoted by the LTIIA, this study, will be based on data from GRESB Infrastructure and EDHEC Infrastructure Institute. The study is also part of the EDHEC/LTIIA research chair in the investment characteristics of unlisted infrastructure equity investments. It will be published as an EDHEC…

Report of the High-Level Task Force on Investing in Social Infrastructure in Europe

ELTI Association published a report on “Boosting Investment in Social Infrastructure in Europe”. This report presents the main findings of the High-Level Task-Force on Investing in Social Infrastructure (HLTF). Today the publication was announced at a dedicated event in Brussels to a large audience of stakeholders representing investors, governments and the social sector. Vice-President Jyrki Katainen represented the European Commission. Eugene Zhuchenko, Executive Director, LTIIA, has been a member of…

LTIIA’s views on infrastructure investing in Financial World magazine

In the December issue of Financial World, the journal of The London Institute of Banking & Finance, Peter Morris, associate fellow of the Said Business School at Oxford Univeristy, examines how UK infrastructure assets are managed and funded as their appeal grows among investors and pension groups. In this article, Peter Morris adresses four issues about infrastructure investing and questions Eugene Zuchenko, Executive Director, LTIIA, on the factors that those…

Future Ready: Sustainable Cities

LTIIA Member Norton Rose Fulbright launched a global campaign on Future Ready: Sustainable Cities. Rapid urbanisation and population growth are putting huge demands on urban infrastructure and resource needs. Managing that growth sustainably is one of the most significant issues of our generation. Global trends of urbanisation, digitisation and sustainability affect both companies and individuals. Integrated city solutions together with emerging business models such as the circular economy will transform…

LTIIA Contributes to COP23 Programme

Camille André, LTIIA Operations Manager, contributed to several events during the COP23 programme in Bonn including OECD event at the UN Climate negotations: Blended Finance for Climate Action – Mobilising Private Investment in Developing Countries CCFLA event focused on Urban and Subnational Project Preparation Together with our members European Investment Bank, Global Infrastructure Basel and CCFLA, LTIIA showcased pipeline development and financing solutions that enable wider participation of private capital in…

Annual global survey on investor insights about infrastructure

Commissioned by the Global Infrastructure Hub and undertaken by the LTIIA member EDHEC Infrastructure Institute-Singapore (EDHECinfra), the global study reveals investor preferences and trends in infrastructure markets. Now in its second year, the Annual Global Infrastructure Investor survey is the largest of its kind. It helps infrastructure leaders better understand how markets are changing. The survey received responses from 186 investors representing US$7 trillion in assets under management. According to Investor Perceptions…

EDHEC Infrastructure Indices. First Findings.

A new paper examines the characteristics of the EDHEC Private Infrastructure Equity Index and finds that low-risk infrastructure has been the leading contributor to returns from the asset class in the last 10+ years in Europe; and investors that do not sufficiently diversify their private infrastructure portfolio should not expect to receive all the benefits of the ‘infrastructure investment narrative.’ The indices mentioned in this study are available on the…

LTIIA Presents Second Edition of the ESG Handbook

The Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association released today the Second Edition of Environmental, Social and Governance Handbook for Long-Term Investors in Infrastructure. The Handbook aims to provide a concise and simple overview of the various frameworks, tools and standards that infrastructure investors are using today to invest responsibly. The release of the Handbook completes almost nine months of work, integrating inputs from more that forty individual contributions as well as the feedback…

EDHEC Publishes the First Set of Game Changer Infrastructure Indices

EDHEC Infrastructure Institute-Singapore (EDHECinfra) is releasing 384 infrastructure debt and equity indices that will change the way investors measure infrastructure investment performance and allow multi-trillion dollar increases in allocation to infrastructure globally. The academic research behind these indices has benefited from the support of NATIXIS and the Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association since 2012. Read here about research findings from the indices. The new EDHECinfra indices cover 50% of the broad market capitalisation…

Investing in social infrastructure: European lessons, global opportunities

Eugene Zhuchenko, Executive Director, LTIIA, wrote an article on investing in social infrastructure in the June 2017 edition of Institutional Investing in Infrastructure. Social infrastructure today is probably the smallest infrastructure sector as measured by the value of private financing. The sector is fundamentally interesting for institutional investors in infrastructure that are increasingly looking for “safe harbour” assets to balance their portfolios and also for governments that are often struggling to…

Global Infrastructure Hub: InfraCompass Launch

Global Infrastructure Hub has established InfraCompass, the first systematic audit of infrastructure data to pinpoint which policies unlock investment, produce quality projects, and deliver useful infrastructure. InfraCompass is a new online tool to guide governments and investors across the globe on what creates the best conditions for infrastructure delivery. Identifying the risks around an infrastructure project, particularly when operating in unfamiliar jurisdictions, can discourage new investment. In a world where there…

S&P Global Ratings Assign the First Green Evaluation to Argo Infrastructure Partners’ Investment in the US

Two LTIIA members have worked together to produce a green rating for Cross Sound Cable, an undersea electricity transmission facility in the US. In August 2015, Argo Infrastructure Partners placed US$120 million of private placement debt to fund a portion of the acquisition of the Cross-Sound Cable project. This undersea cable project transmits power from renewable rich New England into Long Island, New York, New York, which has historically faced both gas…

B20 Task Force on Financing Growth and Infrastructure

On May 2-3, 2017, B20 concluding summit under the German presidency took place in Berlin, where Chancellor Merkel on behalf of G20 leaders received the final B20 recommendations. The B20 policy recommendations paid a great attention to the infrastructure development and investment. Lack of infrastructure facilities represents one of the greatest obstacles to the economic growth and social development worldwide. The G20 states were called to incentive investment in sustainable infrastructure. There is a…

LTIIA contributes to OMFIF’s “Trump: The First One Hundred Days”

Veteran academic and analyst Meghnad Desai and his fellow writers dissect the Trump phenomenon across a broad range of economic and social policies. They consider, too, the array of foreign policy questions to which he is having to pay attention. Eugene Zhuchenko, Executive Director, LTIIA, contributes to the Fiscal Squalls section with an article “Finding the money”. Trump’s greatest obstacle is his own Republican party, many of whom oppose his aims and methods. Yet when many voters…

S&P Global Ratings established a global Infrastructure hub

S&P Global Ratings has established a global Infrastructure hub which gathers key analytical reports and commentaries on the evaluation of the broad array of asset types and ownership structures, as well as the financing techniques utilized to fund them. The global infrastructure hub is intended to help market participants navigate through the broad array of infrastructure finance services and research from the divisions of S&P Global. Of the key findings is that…

LTIIA partakes in the High-Level Task Force on Social Infrastructure

In Brussels, LTIIA joined the first Plenary Meeting of the High-Level Task Force on Social Infrastructure (“HLTF SI”) launched by the European Association of Long-Term Investors (ELTI). Chaired by Romano Prodi, HLTF SI aims to promote the financing of social infrastructure – particularly of those facilities linked to the health, education and social housing sectors which contribute to improving the living conditions of European citizens and the competitiveness of territories. This infrastructure sector,…

LTIIA and its members discuss cooperation with EFIEES

In Paris, LTIIA organized a meeting for several of its members with the Secretary General for the European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services (EFIEES) to discuss cooperation and investment opportunities. EFIEES represents private companies providing an overall energy management service to end-users. These companies provide services operating, maintaining and managing plant and equipment on end-users’ sites, including industry, commercial offices, collective residential buildings, public premises, and district heating networks….

Guest opinion: Prudential Rules For Private Infrastructure Capital Take Two Steps Forward But Have Yet To Reach The End Of The Road

S&P Global, LTIIA member, published today a guest opinion commentary on Prudential Rules For Infrastructure Capital by Frederic Blanc-Brude, head of EDHEC Infrastructure Institute. In Europe, and further afield, prudential regulatory frameworks are evolving to take into account the characteristics of private infrastructure debt and equity. The commentary focuses on the progress made so far on prudential regulation for infrastructure debt and equity and examines possible steps to help further define the…

LTIIA contributes to the Climate Summit for Local and Regional Leaders during COP 22 in Marrakech

At COP22 LTIIA Climate initiative was presented during the Climate Summit for Local and Regional Leaders focused on “Financing the Sustainable Transition of Territories”. The primary objective of the LTIIA Climate initiative is to facilitate the financing of the investment component of climate change policies while bringing specific experiences and the expertise of LTIIA members to selected countries and local authorities . At the heart of the discussion was the engagement of resources from…

Launch of Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA) Scoping Report : “Localizing Climate Finance: Mapping Gaps and Opportunities, Designing Solutions”

The Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance, which joined the Association recently, launched today at COP22 the Scoping report on climate finance.   The report  provides a qualitative overview of current activities, identifies opportunities for cooperation amongst CCFLA members and “gaps” that need to be addressed in order to accelerate climate finance at subnational and local levels.   For instance, the CCFLA’s State of City Climate Finance report of 2015 reveals that…

Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association and eFront Release the ESG Indicators Library for Infrastructure Investments

LTIIA and eFront announced today releasing the library of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) indicators for infrastructure investments. The library will help asset managers and institutional investors collect and manage information on ESG performance of their assets for reporting and certification purposes. Integrated with the financial information management across the wider eFront offering, this platform provides investors and asset managers with the ability to attain a holistic view of their portfolios and a more robust approach to integrating…

Marketplace spotlight – Arjun Infrastructure Partners

Arjun Infrastructure Partners (AIP) is a London-based independent infrastructure investor that helps institutional investors grow and manage their direct exposure to core infrastructure assets. An LTIIA members since September 2016, AIP advises over € 400 million of capital working for three major European pension plans. Eugene Zhuchenko, Executive Director, LTIIA, met Surinder Toor, AIP Founder and Managing Partner, to learn more about his business model. Three principal features were highlighted…

LTIIA Voices Private Investor Comments during EFSI Consultation

Following our previous meeting with the EFSI Steering Board on July 4, 2016, during this Consultation Event LTIIA voiced the following key comments from our members in relation to the Strategic Orientations of the EFSI Investment Policy and the EFSI Implementation under the Infrastructure and Innovation Window. the importance of transparency as regards the application of additionality criterion the call for increasing importance of ESG aspects in the EFSI investment decisions the need for on-going…

LTIIA Contributes to the EU consultation on External Investment Plan

LTIIA joined the consultation on EU’s External Investment Plan (EIP), together with Commissioners Mogherini (External Action Service), Katainen (Investment and Growth) and Mimica (International Cooperation and Development). Helmut von Glasenapp, LTIIA Board Member and Deputy Secretary General of ELTI, presented our members’ comments. The Plan aims to support investments in Africa and the European Neighbourhood countries, to promote a new model of participation of the private sector and contribute to achieve the…

LTIIA Contributes to Global Public Investor 2016 by OMFIF

For the third in its annual series, OMFIF is producing a comprehensive international publication − Global Public Investor 2016 − devoted to public sector asset ownership and management across a range of official institutions around the world. The publication features in-depth descriptions of the investment approach of central banks, sovereign funds, and other types of public-owned investors across Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, North America and Latin America and the Caribbean. It provides an…

Global Investor Study by Global Infrastructure Hub and EDHECinfra

We are pleased to share the findings of an infrastructure investment study, released today by the Global Infrastructure Hub and EDHEC Infrastructure Institute-Singapore. The global study, which looked to identify investor expectations for the sector, found that investors have an increasing appetite for infrastructure, with the number of investors looking for exposure to emerging markets set to more than double over the next 3-5 years. The study finds that investors are…

LTIIA Joins the Meeting with EFSI Steering Board

LTIIA joined the meeting with the Steering Board of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), together with several National Promotional Banks and the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI). The main elements discussed were the EFSI strategic orientation, as well as the implementation of EFSI operations under the Investment and Innovation Window (IIW) through the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the SME Window through the European Investment Fund (EIF). Among others,…

Advice by EIOPA to the European Commission on Treatment of Infrastructure Corporates under Solvency II

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published its final advice to the European Commission regarding the definition and treatment of infrastructure corporates under Solvency II. LTIIA has been involved in the consultation process with EIOPA and other stakeholders over the last seven months, By way of selected highlights, EIOPA recommends: extending the definition of infrastructure projects to “project-like” corporate entities; and a 36% capital risk charge for equities in other…

LTIIA Contributes to High-level Working Session on Sustainability and Resilience

From 13-17 June 2016, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB) successfully held a high-level working session on defining sustainability and resilience principles for the credit rating and insurance of infrastructure. The overall programme was shaped by interactive workshops and presentations held together with 16 carefully selected participants, including Béatrice Causse, ESG Leader at LTIIA. Discussions revolved around the development of sustainability and resilience principles as the common denominator for stakeholders engaged…

LTIIA and eFront Partner to Improve ESG Reporting

Following the presentation of its ESG Handbook for Long Term Investors in Infrastructure, LTIIA joined forces with eFront, the leading provider of software solutions for alternative asset classes, to develop a library of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) indicators for infrastructure investments. The library will help asset managers and institutional investors collect and manage information on ESG performance of their assets for reporting and certification purposes. The first 300 indicators…

LTIIA sponsored Study by EDHEC Uncovers Infrastructure’s Unique Asset Class Profile

EDHEC Infrastructure Institute-Singapore (EDHECinfra) in partnership with the Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association (LTIIA) has released a new paper entitled “Revenue and Dividend Payouts in Privately-Held Infrastructure Investments”.   This paper discusses characteristics of revenue and profits in private equity infrastructure firms and reveals that infrastructure assets are indeed unique and – compared to investments in similar non-infrastructure firms – exhibit lower revenue volatility, higher payouts, with considerably less correlation with the business…

LTIIA Endows New Research Chair with EDHEC

The Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association is pleased to announce the extension of a new research chair to EDHEC. Building on the outcomes of Meridiam Campbell Lutyents chair (2013-2015), the new chair will continue supporting EDHEC’s pioneering research and data collection efforts, leading to the first release of long term infrastructure performance benchmark in 2016. Further outputs of the chair will include research into portfolio construction and allocation considerations for…

LTIIA Contributed to COP21 Summit

The Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association announced today that it has launched a pilot program to provide research, investment and implementation support to volunteering countries on the investment portion of their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), as well as a structured support system for investment implementation for qualifying countries. Deborah Zurkow, LTIIA Board Member and Head of Infrastructure Debt at Allianz Global Investors made the announcement during the COP21 summit…

LTIIA welcomes EIOPA’s final advice on Infrastructure

Yesterday the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published its final advice to the European Commission (EC) on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories. LTIIA has been actively involved in reviewing and commenting on the EIOPA’s work for the past eight months. We welcome EIOPA’s advice and consider it an important step towards better appreciation of the risk-return profile of infrastructure by policy makers and regulators…

LTIIA members elect the new Board for the Association

Following the vote by General Assembly of the Association, we are pleased to announce the election of the new LTIIA Board: Ms. Deborah Zurkow, CIO, Head of Infrastructure Debt, Allianz Global Investors Ms. Diloshine Seneviratne, Portfolio Manager, CalSTRS Mr. Akira Sato, General Manager of Structured Finance Department, Development Bank of Japan Mr. Thierry Déau, Founding Partner and CEO of Meridiam Dr. Bernd Kreuter, Founder and Managing Partner of Palladio Partners…

LTIIA names its Executive Director

The Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association (LTIIA) has named Eugene Zhuchenko as its Executive Director. Under guidance from the LTIIA board of directors, Mr. Zhuchenko will be responsible for implementing the objectives of the association and in particular leading the initiatives on benchmarking, ESG and promoting private investment in public infrastructure. LTIIA Press Release

LTIIA welcomes the European Commission investment plan for Europe

The EU Commission Investment plan reached a new milestone today with the release of a list of projects which could be implemented over the next three years. This list was compiled by a task force bringing together the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and the EU member states. LTIIA welcomes the EU Commission Investment plan and believes that the focus on capital market union, capacity building and project delivery…

LTIIA Launch Press Release

Following the initiative by Meridiam, a firm specializing in investments in public infrastructure assets, Allianz Global Investors, Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company, and the Development Bank of Japan jointly announced the launch of the Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association (LTIIA). Other founding members are among the world’s leading private investors in infrastructure, including preeminent French and British institutions as well as one of the largest American pension funds, all of which…